BrightS: High-Powered Integrated Sports Betting Software
By Ion Saliu, Bright Sportsman At-Large
1. BrightS - High-Power Integrated Sports Betting Software
Version 2.0, August 2013; software category: 5.4.
This is the most powerful sports betting software application anywhere. It bundles in a convenient system the most important pieces of sport bet software created by Ion Saliu.
First, you need to become a registered member of this Web site (for a reasonable membership fee). You can download the software from your dedicated membership pages. The membership pages have also clear instructions on downloading, installing, and running the software.
It is also recommended to visit and read all the valuable information on the main software site. BRIGHTS belongs to software category 5.4.
The main menus are as follows:
Start by creating a sports-betting data file or the real-scores file. It is the easiest possible step. The files are in ASCII (text) format. You can use any text editor to create a file, including "MDIEditor and Lotto WE", or Notepad (comes free with Windows).
The sports betting data file consists of real results recorded at the end of games. That is, you must record the game results manually. Or, you might be able to find Web sites that offer real scores.
This software bundle comes with one data file with real NFL results as ATS: Against The Spread. Filename: NFL.ODS. You need a data file for each American game you take care of (e.g. NFL, NBA, NHL, etc.)
The NFL data file must have exactly 15 teams per line. The teams must be separated by commas.
If the week had 16 games, then discard the Monday Night Football game; do not record that game in the data file. If the week had 14 or fewer games, simply add the word open at the end of the line representing that week. Count the items carefully, so that the number of teams plus the word open should add up to 15.
When updating the data file, keep in mind this rule: the latest (the most recent) drawing always goes to the top of the file, becoming the line number 1. The oldest drawing is the bottom line in the file. If your data file is not in this order, you need to use the included program UpDown. It reverses the order in a text file: the bottom becomes the top of the file.
2. The Main Programs and Functions
N = NFL Excel Spreadsheet (NFL.xls)
C = Calcio Excel Spreadsheet (Toto1x2.xls)
- run the two well-known sports betting spreadsheets
- you must have Microsoft Excel 1995 or later installed on your system
- you need exit BrightS - press X to exit to command prompt
- then, you start your Excel as you normally would
- then File menu, Open, select spreadsheet NFL2001.xls/Toto1x2.xls
- the spreadsheet is in your \BrightS directory (folder)
- follow the sports betting method outlined in the article saliu.com/bbs/messages/382.html
M = American Team Combinations
- runs AmBet
- randomly generates combinations of sports teams, as applicable to the American sports betting system:
- bet on the favorite team to win by more than point spread; or-
- bet on the underdog to lose by less than the point spread
- also shows how the teams fared the previous weeks (games):
~ W after a team name means that the team WON the previous game;
~ L after a team name means that the team LOST the previous game
- write W or L or U (for Unknown) after the team name in your WLGAMES files; or type W/L on the entry screens; see the sample text WLGAMES.5 (5 games to bet on)
P = Sports Combos: 1, 2 or 1, X, 2
- runs Teams
- generates random combinations of games results
- the program requires two parameters you need input:
- the number of GAMES - from 2 to 5, 13, 14, etc.
- the number of OUTCOMES - only 2 or 3; i.e. 1, 2; or 1, X, 2
- 1 is for home victory; 2 for road victory; X is for a tie
W = Repeat-Winning NFL Teams
- runs Football15
- the program counts the number of repeat-winning NFL teams in current week from a number of weeks back - against the spread; for example, how many of this week's winning teams were also winners in the previous week (one week back) or two weeks back
- the program assumes a file of past results against the point spread, exactly 15 teams per line, the teams separated by commas
G = Generate Truly 1X2 Full Combinations (Variants)
- runs Generate1X2
- the program generates soccer pools combinations from text files with 1,X,2 symbols. The input files can have from 2 to 16 games (for NFL games as well).
- The strict formatting requirements for the input files:
- 1,X,2 ~ the 1,X,2 symbols separated by commas only, NO spaces between them;
- 1,X,2 ~ NO blank spaces between lines.
- Another function takes the output files of the Generate function and converts the rows to columns to resemble the layout of playing grids.
- Read this thread in the sports forum:
- Software Full or Reduced 1X2 Systems Totocalcio.
S = Skip-Systems for Sport Betting
- runs SkipSystem
- checks the sports betting systems presented on the page dedicated to the lottery, gambling, sports betting strategies based on 'skips' (saliu.com/almighty_number.html, plus saliu.com/skip-strategy.html)
* I highly recommend that you do the following. Put together all the information I made available in one file. Copy and paste everything in one file. Then, edit that file, using your own words. That would be the best way to use my software, systems, and strategies.
* Read also one of the accompanying files: ReadMeS.TXT (or README.TXT).
See a comprehensive directory of the pages and materials on the subject of sports betting, software, systems, and parlays.
- Analysis of the results of SPORTS.XLS, the sports betting spreadsheet.
- Winning at sports betting, soccer, football, parlay, bet systems, software.
- The Winning Combinations Come Predominantly from Inside FFG Median Bell.
- Sports Prognosticating or Betting — The Excel Spreadsheet.
- Caveats in Theory of Probability.
- Sports betting soccer: results, tips, law.
- American Football (NFL) Prognosticating or Betting Software: BetUS, AmBet.
- American Football (NFL) Results - Week #8.
- American Football (NFL) Results - Week 7, Prognostication Week #8.
- American Football (NFL) Prognosticating or Betting - Week 7.
- Prognostication for the Italian soccer, Serie A.
- NFL National Football League Games: Schedule, Results, Scores.
~ This page presents the schedule and game results (scores) in the current NFL season.
- The NFL Football Teams Ranked by Wins, Statistics, Seasons
Read a most meaningful statistical report for the NFL football teams wins against the spread (ATS).
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