Posted by BigJer on July 15, 2001.
In Reply to: 5% Frequency: The lowest lotto number in a lottery drawing is OVER 19 posted by DEZ on July 14, 2001.
Hi, Dez!
I guess you did not understand the eliminating the 4 or 5 lotto numbers ........4 would be 4 ,14,24,34,44 and that is 5 more numbers so if you look at last 10 or 12 lotto draws you could use say 6,16,26,36,46 and now you have 20 numbers to elinimate. I think any correlation between the period of the data in the sums of skips and sum of draws with the last 10 or 12 lotto draws used as template for study may locate your trigger.
I have not looked at this so it is hard to say if you have a text file of data I could run it through my chaos data analizer to see if there is a period in the data. I don't think the Illinois lottery data for 52 numbers is 360 yet but I don't have that in front of me at the moment.
I see you were close last night but that 13 had to slip in to mess things up...
I would like to see the pick 3 lottery thing you have found as I spend more time on that game and the pick 4 as there is a lot more data.
: The main idea of a trigger, ( as I am applying it), is not to play every drawing. If I can sit on my hands for say, 10 straight drawings, I would save money. Then, when a trigger is hit, I can start betting, and because I haven't played for the previous 10 lottery draws, #1:I can afford to play more combos, and #2: I have a better shot at winning because I have a higher probability that all of the numbers I played will be in the winning combination. It is appropriate to take 5 lotto numbers off of the front and rear, that is a great step toward finding a lottery trigger.
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