Authored on February 25, 2006
This is the best naming, since I do not know who you really are. You certainly sounded like a kokostirk, as I noted in my post at You signed your posts at the Downloads site as bigbluehacker. I take your word on it and equate bigbluehacker to Paradiso. You posted therefore you get an answer, as I promised at my Web site (the Contact page).
As per my posts at, I believed your test representations were intentionally wrong. I might think now that you tend to overlook things in order to make a point. If you do the tests correctly, exactly as I say in the lotto software tutorials and on my Web pages, then the results will be exactly as expected.
One important point is the effect of the inner filters in MDIEditor and Lotto WE and LotWon command prompt lottery software. I've always stressed that the innate filters eliminate now and then the potentially winning lotto combination. That occurrence is rare, however. Yet, many users who don't have the best intentions in mind show me test results where the potentially winning combination is always eliminated due to the inner filters! I know the subplot! I stated in some forums that I created new lottery software where the user has the option of disabling the inner filters. So, there is a clear tendency to force my hand in releasing as FREEWARE the new lotto software. Not so fast!
Doing the testing in LotWon Command Prompt lottery software or MDIEditor and Lotto WE is straightforward, logical and easy — provided that the user commits his/her brains to paying attention to the instructions. Easy as 1–2–3. You want to check if the lotto combination in the 7th line would have won IF enabling the filters in the statistical or WS reports (e.g. W6.* in DOS LotWon). EDIT CAREFULLY THE LOTTERY DATA FILE. The default is D* (e.g. D6 for lotto–6 games). In MDIEditor and Lotto WE you can edit directly D*. MDIEditor and Lotto works quickly with huge files, many megabytes in size. You open D6, for example. Eliminate the top 7 lines (drawings) in the file. That is, you delete the "future lottery drawings". The drawing in line #7 is the first drawing to appear in the future. Every drawing that follows the drawing #7, INCLUDING the drawing #7, represents the future. The future has no place in the past. What can be more logical — and more honest?
Running the lottery software "as for the future" with filters recorded in the past generates the future winning combination MOST OF THE TIME. As per above, the inner filters will interfere rarely (less than 1% of the time). Errors will also interfere with the process of generating the future winning combination. The most common error is the result of an insufficiently large data file. The LOTTO FILTER most commonly in this much–debated situation is ION5.
This is a very special filter. This is the most sought–after filter by lottery software developers. ION5 requires a very large data file — over 200,000 lines for a lotto 6/49 game. With a 10,000–line D6 file, a lotto 6/49 game will show a bunch of ION5 filter values equal to 216 in a lotto 6/49 game. Anxious users will rush to setting ION5_Min=216 and ION5_MAX=217. Chances are, MDIEditor and Lotto software will run forever WITHOUT generating a single combination! Solution: make a D6 file of over 600,000 lines. Run the statistical reporting again. You won't find a ION5=216 (except for one in millions of runs!)
To reinforce: The lotto software will not always generate the future winning combination. The two reasons are: Inner filters; Incorrect filter settings, that is.
Have you read my Web page regarding the Birthday Paradox? There has been a major complaint from the users of my lotto software. The winning combination happens to be in the 10,000 simulated (random) drawings of the data file. This is how mathematics works. The probability is virtually 100% that a lotto 6/49 combination will repeat within 10,000 combinations. Things get even better when running my software (including the online ActiveX number generator). Generate 10,000 unique random lotto combinations. No worse than 1 in 500 users will get the 6/49 lotto winning combination every time — in the 10,000–combination bloc. This is by far the best chance of winning lotto by playing random combinations.
I no longer use MDIEditor and Lotto lottery wise. I made an extraordinary change to my lotto/lottery software. I combined DOS (command prompt) and Windows in one package. Windows is a dizzy puppy when it comes to performance — that is, lottery–wise, Blitser Gates. I took the filters in MDIEditor and Lotto WE and created 4 new layers in LotWon command prompt lottery software. I fine–tuned the MDIEditor and Lotto filters. I also added a special option. The user has the choice to enable or DISABLE the inner filters. Moreover, the inner filters are on (legal) steroids now. The new innate filters are founded more strongly on statistical parameters (e.g. standard deviation and FFG deviation).
The new Bright lotto software package has the option of automatically checking any lottery strategy. That is, no need to delete the future drawings. You just enter the strategy file. The lotto software will show how many times the strategy would have won in a range of real (or random) drawings. The strategy checking will also show how many drawings (total drawings) the strategy would have generated. That includes generating lotto combinations such as 1,2,3,4,5 and/or 1,2,3,4,6. The potentially winning combinations are not shown (except in pick–3, pick4 lottery software).
The lottery strategy checking will show a report like this: Win in draw #4 (275 combos); win in draw #17 (183 combos); etc. I tested first the lotto software by generating all the combinations for each hit (winning) situation. The output files can be very large. The process is also much slower. For those reasons, I disabled the option to show the combinations. You can still generate the winning lotto combinations manually as in previous versions of LotWon.
I finalized this kind of new lottery software soon after I was struck by shingles and the ensuing post herpetic neuralgia. I still was able to check as thoroughly the lotto–5 game as thorough verification is concerned. That's what I believe. Errors might have slipped through the system, though. The first user who detects a REAL error will get her money back, plus $100. I'll make the correction as soon as reasonably possible. Every registered user will get the fix for free.
Nota bene: The Bright lotto software requires a data file of at least 600,000 combinations (six hundred thousand combinations, mostly random). If you have a speedy computer, you are blessed. The blessed ones are the luckiest ones. The best simulated data file should be created by running PermuteCombine (included in the new lotto package). Generate all the combinations in the game (e.g. 575757 combinations in a 5/39 lotto game). Then shuffle (randomize) the output file with SHUFFLE (also included). Name the result file SIM–5. Now you have the best simulated lotto data file in history.
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